About MDE

MDE Outdoors is a group of faith based and like minded individuals who enjoys what the Good Lord has created. We are husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters.......we are family. We all come from different walks of life, different family backgrounds, and different hunting styles. One thing is for certain about all of us, we love our God, we love our family, and we love the outdoors. Our mission is bring you, the viewer, something in which you can relate. We don’t use fancy graphics to get your attention and we don’t get caught up measuring success in inches. To us, like many of you, our trophy is what we put on the table to provide for our family. Our tag line is “Shoot Straight and Get Your Kids Outdoors.” The meaning behind that is very simple. “Shoot Straight:” Be true, honest and humble in all you do.
“Get Your Kids Outdoors:" Show your kids the wonders of the outdoors. Take them out and teach them the things your parents and grandparents taught you. Our youth is the legacy in the tradition we call hunting. If we lose our youth we will lose our tradition. Take them, show them, and teach them about God's Great Outdoors. The tradition of the being in the outdoors is vast. Not everyone does things the same way. We all hunt, fish and camp differently. Put all those differences aside and we are all the same.